Wednesday 1 February 2012



What I have learned in this week is Information Technology (IT) which is any computer-based tool that people used to work with information and to support the information and information-processing needs of an organization. And I have learned the stages of globalization as well as the history of globalization. 


Information Technology

Any computer-based tool that people used to work with information and to support the information and information-processing needs of an organisation.
Information technology architecture:
ØA high level map or plan of the information assets in an organisation.
ØIntegrates entire organisation’s business needs for information, infrastructure and applications.
Information technology infrastructure:
ØA high level map or plan of the information assets in an organisation.
ØIntegrates entire organisation’s business needs for information, infrastructure and applications.

Information technology infrastructure:
ØThe physical facilities, IT components, IT services, and IT personnel that support an entire organisation.
ØIT components: computer hardware, software, and communications technologies.
ØIT services: Data management, systems development and security management.

The global web-based platform

The global, Web-based platform that has recently emerged spans the world and is best represented by the Internet functionality.
The platform enables individuals to connect, compute and communicate.
This platform makes globalization possible.
Globalization is the integration and interdependence of economic, social, culture, and ecological facets of life, enable by rapid advances of IT

The Stages of Globalization 

(From Thomas Friedman in The World is Flat)
Globalization 1.0 (from 1492 to 1800)
Globalization 2.0 (from 1800 to 2000)
Globalization 3.0 (from 2000 to the present)




-Lasted from 1492 to 1800.
-During this era, the force behind globalization was how much muscle, wind power, or steam power a country had and could deploy.

Globalization 2.0 
Steam engine

- Lasted from 1800 to 1200.
-In this era, the force behind globalization was multinational companies; that is, that had their headquarters in one country but operated in several countries.
-In the first half of this era, globalization was driven by falling transportation costs, generated by the development of the steam engine and the railroads.

Globalization 3.0

The Great Convergence

We are in a convergence of three powerful, technological forces:
(1) Cheap and ubiquitous computing devices
  (2) Low-cost, high bandwidth
  (3) Open standards
In essence, we have computing everywhere and anywhere, anytime and all the time, with access to limitless amounts of information, services, and entertainment.

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